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Panna Cotta

Prep Time:

10 Minutes

Cook Time:

15 Minutes


5 Servings



About the Recipe


* 600ml thickened cream

* 60g caster sugar

* 2Tbs gelatin powder or Gelatin sheets (Preferrable)

* 1 Vanilla Pod



1. In a small bowl add 60mls cold water and sprinkle gelatin powder on top in a thin layer. (Set aside)

2. Pour Cream into a heavy based pot, add the sugar & vanilla bean and bring to a simmer. Add in the gelatin & whisk for a couple of minutes. Take off the heat and set aside to cool.

3. once the mixture has cooled (roughly 10 mins)

4. Remove Vanilla pod and pour in the creamy mixture into molds ** if you haven't got any molds use small coffee cups. Fill them and put in the fridge to set.

5. To serve run a small knife around the mold / cup to loosen the dessert, give it a little jiggle and it should slide out easily. If its being a little stubborn stick the cup in a shallow bowl of hot water to melt the sides ever so slightly. Plate up with your favourite berries & chocolate.

Most importantly though is to experiment! challenge yourself and try all your favourite flavours!

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